Arguing about religion is mostly a waste of time?

Its ok to read about it. Its ok to grind RPG, its a waste of time but it gives you something to do. .But arguing usually goes nowhere.  Same way you argue or is too fixated on people's opinion. You never go anywhere or get work done. So its not worth using so much time fixating on it, and rather get some work done.


When I'm not harassing gays, hating on women, judging everyone, being a racist POS, or promoting/supporting catholic child rape - I like to sniff & lick my own dirty hole. It's only fair, since I spend so much time here trying to make you eat my crap.

No Chance Without Jesus2021-03-16T19:12:37Z



Not even a question.  WOW you're stupid!


I multi-task so there's no waste of time for me. Sorry to bust your bubble.


Posting a statement with a question mark on the end is really a waste of time.

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