Which party tries to divide and conquer and which to unite and progress?


Communism is the only political movement that is historically known for scientific progression and the unification of the planet. Communism is the science of the future and there is a future for all only in Communism.


First responder explained that party loyalty, not logic or results, determines elections. Good point.


All political parties seek power regardless of their particular political theories or name. To gain that power, they seek to conquer their opposition by any means available. The democrats are no better and no worse than the republicans.

This is posted in the Mathematics forum and should be moved to the Politics forum. Political discussions have no place here.



Both parties are in the "divide and conquer" mode.  In that way, GW Bush was worse than Clinton, and Obama was much worse than GW Bush, and Trump was worse than Obama, and it turns out Biden is not a "uniter" either -- he will probably be worse than Trump, because it is Warren, Sanders, and AOC who are driving the agenda.

A division of the USA into two republics would be a reasonable solution, but unfortunately the prospect of achieving that without warfare is nil.

thomas f2021-03-18T13:41:27Z

I can divide: 10 divided by 2 equals 5. (This is, after all, the Mathematics category.)
Conquering is a little more difficult. 

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