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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsMathematics · 2 days ago

Hi, I am really stuck on this math question:?

Two ships leave a port, sailing 18 km/h and 26 km/h. Their angle between their directions of Travel from the port is 39°. How far part are the ships after 2 hours?

11 Answers

  • 20 hours ago

    I'm gonna have to agree with la console, because he has the right answer...I found this question because I had just answered it on a math question :), LOL

  • 23 hours ago

    Recall: s = d/t → where s is the speed, d is the distance, t is the time

    Speed of ship No.1: 18 km/h. After 2 hours: OA = 2 * 18 = 36 km

    Speed of ship No.2: 26 km/h. After 2 hours: OB = 2 * 26 = 52 km

    AB² = BC² + AC²

    AB² = [OB - OC]² + AC²

    AB² = [OB - OC]² + AC² → where: OC = OA.cos(39)

    AB² = [OB - OA.cos(39)]² + AC² → where: AC = OA.sin(39)

    AB² = [OB - OA.cos(39)]² + OA².sin²(39)

    AB² = OB² - 2.OB.OA.cos(39) + OA².cos²(39) + OA².sin²(39)

    AB² = OB² - 2.OB.OA.cos(39) + OA².[cos²(39) + sin²(39)] → recall: cos²(x) + sin²(x) = 1

    AB² = OB² - 2.OB.OA.cos(39) + OA² → where: OB = 52 km

    AB² = 52² - 104.OA.cos(39) + OA² → where: OA = 36 km

    AB² = 52² - 3744.cos(39) + 36²

    AB² = 4000- 3744.cos(39)

    AB² ≈ 1090.3655

    AB ≈ 33.0206 km

    Attachment image
  • 1 day ago

    That ship has sailed.

  • 1 day ago

    if they are both going on the same course.

    their difference in speeds is 26-18= 8 KM/h

    after two hours they are 8*2=16 Km apart.

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  • 2 days ago

    Suppose the ships start from point O; they will reach point

    A & point B after 2 hrs. The problem is to find AB. After 2 hrs

    ship A has traveled 36 km;

    ship B has traveled 52 km.

    By the cosine rule:



    AB=sqr(1090.36552)~33 km.

  • David
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Using the cosine rule for a triangle the ships are 33.02 km apart

  • 2 days ago

    Two ships leave a port, sailing 18 km/h and 26 km/h. 

    Their angle between their directions of Travel from the port is 39°. 

    The ships are 33.02 km apart after 2 hours.

  • 2 days ago

    After two hours ,each ship has travelled 36 km and 52 km . Their angle is 39 degrees. 

    Use the Cosine rule, which us 

    a^2 = b^2 + c^2 -2bcCosA 

    a^2 = 36^2 + 52^2 - 2(36)(52)Cos(39) 

    a^2 = 1296 + 2704 - 3722(0.777145...) 

    a^2 = 1296 + 2704 - 2892.53....

    a^2 = 1107.46... 

    a = sqrt(1107.46...)

    a = 33.278... km 

  • 2 days ago

    After 2 hours the two ships have sailed a distance of 36 km and 52 km respectively

    The angle between them is maintained at 39°

    If we think of the two ship's directions as two sides of a triangle, then the third side is the distance between them at this time. This side, d is opposite the 39° angle. So, using the 'cosine rule' we have:

    d² = 36² + 52² - 2(36)(52)cos39°

    so, d² = 4000 - 3744cos39°

    => d² = 1090.36552

    Hence, d = 33.0 km


  • geezer
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    If it's after 2 hours

    then one of them has travelled 36km and the other one 52km

    So ..

    You have a triangle

    and you know that 2 of the sides are 36km and 52km

    and the angle between those 2 sides is 39 degrees

    and you need to work out the length of the third side.

    Over to you ....

    So you need the cosine rule as the others have now shown

    which is

    The length of the side you want, squared


    the length of the other two sides, both squared, and added together


    the length of the other two sides multiplied together, times two 

    times the cosine of the angle opposite the side you want to work out.

    OR you could just draw it to scale and measure !

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