Agree/disagree: Dogs make better pets than cats? ?

Some people think cats are too boring (as pets), while others think the opposite, that dogs are too needy, too attention demanding. Thoughts? 


Favorite Answer

I prefer cats but love dogs too. I’d say it comes down to your own personality. 

I do think cats get an unfair rep sometimes. *Some* people who are unfamiliar with cats may default to treating them like dogs, but as they are completely different animal families, cat body language is completely different and this leads to people who don’t know cats misinterpreting a cat’s warning signs, and them getting bit or scratched. IE: unlike dogs, a cat “wagging” its tail is a sign of annoyance. That’s an obvious one but there are many things like that. 


I adopted 2 cats in June last year and they're the perfect pets for me


I agree


It just depends on your personality. Extroverted people who enjoy attention usually like dogs. Introverted people tend toward cats. I like cats, have always had them. Some people think cats aren't loving, but they are very loving, fun pets when treated with lots of love and care.


I used to be a dog person and now I can't stand them because they're needy and require too much maintenance like cleaning up after them. If I were to get another pet it would be a cat.

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