How sad are liberals that the country is starting to open back up?

Texas and Florida are leading the way. NO MORE MASKS. NO MORE RESTRICTIONS. FREEDOM BABY!


You think that's freedom? LOL


I am scheduled for my first COVID shot on April 6.  See you on the obituary page.

ADD:  All of those students partying in Florida will be bringing COVID back to their universities so expect to see surges all over the country in the next few weeks.


Yep ' you always new it . new it good to . new it before you were born .
will always no it as well . no it like no other has noed it before . Power like we have never seen before . No one has ever seen winning like you . Powerful and Strong .
 no one has seen one so strong before . Ever Orange It 


If your idea of freedom is so tenuous as to be threatened just by having to wear a mask, you don't know what freedom is, you are a baby who cries when someone takes away his rubber ducky. You wear the mask for the benefit of others around you, you idiot. Grow up and take some responsibility.

Mao Bidden2021-03-20T03:10:29Z

Who do think is flying to Florida?  lol

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