Karen joke was made by liberal democrats in USA who love crime culture and are enablers of that?

So the best insult back is call them Crimecrats or something. Enablers of crime or pro crime culture. They may try to make it about a shouting person, but its really just anti conservatism and tough people. But its worse supporting rapists and murderers and degenerates over that. So its one way to make them shut up a little bit :)


People got upset by Dindu jokes. So this was made as a joke on that. And Dindu is deemed racist now... Obvious who the technocrats are here


@🌺JenyaJalysia🌺Lv 5
Whatever Crimecrat. Go and loot stuff


You’re stupid.......


@🌺JenyaJalysia🌺Lv 5
Whatever Dindu :)


Karen called the cops on scary black man for being scary black man and was recorded by scary black man who by the way ended up justifying said scary reason .
 As far as Crime let us put aside the 1/6  insurrectionist because those are antifa and BLM like Hannity said right ? Another reason those boys ani't Trumper's is because they were stupid in the highest degree and that's not Trumper's either RIGHT ?


I’m guessing you or your mammy is a Karen? I’m correct, right? 😭😭😭
Update: It’s ok Karen, don’t cry, if I looked like you I’d be mad, too. ☹️


Sit down Old Timer, that's not where the term Karen comes from