i have a terrible respiratory problem and My job still makes me wear a mask to work?

I’m not quitting my job cause I need this. I told my manager 10 times what’s happening with my lungs. he don’t care. I complained to the union and they didn’t do a thing. Why is my manager liek this. 


Favorite Answer

Contact your state labor board.


If you cant wear a mask, you shouldn't be working there


Get a note from your Dr thst says masks aggravate your condition, however understand that unless you need supplemental oxygen most Drs won't agree

The First Dragon2021-03-21T15:06:58Z

If you have a terrible respiratory problem, doesn't that constitute an increased risk of complications from covid-19?  You may need a different job.  But that is for you to decide, of course.


If you have such a problem, then you can get a medical discharge from the job.  If the job requires wearing a mask, and you cannot wear a mask, it is not the problem of the manager.  It is the job that is the problem, and it is one you should not be performing due to a physical incapacity.

You don't get to change the job because you can't do it.  You get to change jobs.  You don't control the needs of the job.

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