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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsRespiratory Diseases · 2 days ago

Why can't my 15 year old daughter get the COVID vaccine already?

We are travelling to Iran to visit family this summer in July but there has been no sign of 15 year olds being able to be given the COVID vaccine. I mean my daughter's birthday is literally in October. What difference does a few months make? When I got my COVID vaccine they didn't even check ID. Can I just sign my daughter up and see if they let her get the Pfizer shot?

4 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    Because they've not been cleared for use in minors yet. You'll have to wait; and you're unlikely to be able to travel this summer. 

  • 2 days ago

    When I went in for my first shot, one of the first things I was asked for was my DOB. Let's just take our turns to get this pandemic over with. How would you feel if some elderly person died because you jumped the line?

  • y
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    Not even sure any of them have yet been approved for kids that age.  You can try to do anything you wish, state laws are different. I'm an older guy and still on the waiting list in my state

  • 2 days ago

    Why would you want your daughter who most likely is going to want to have children some day vaccinated when there has been NO STUDIES on the vaccine and fertility?

    Teach your daughter how to be safe and protect herself from others so it doesn't matter if she is one of the 20% that the vaccine does nothing for or the vaccine effectiveness quickly reduces to non-therapeutic levels.

    If you have already been vaccinated, are you planning on getting re-vaccinated before your trip? 

    Is your family in Iran, unable to practice safe behaviors before you visit?

    Are you purchasing KN95 FDA approved masks for the trip?

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