Why are Trump supporters who claim to be Christians the biggest heretics out there?
Let me clarify in case you're too stupid to understand. I'm not a Democrat Liberal. Democrats don't read the Bible, they hate the word of God. But this is directed at the FALSE Christians who identify as Trump supporters. I haven't met one Trump supporter who actually reads the Bible. Most of them are a bunch of drunken, tattooed, foul mouthed adulterers. You expect me, a True Bible believer, to sit idly by and not call out these godless reprobates? These people who WRONGFULLY call themselves Christians! They're a bunch of Laodiceans! They're all false converts! I'm going to be here to remind you that unless you repent and turn to Jesus Christ then Hell awaits you. Trump and Biden are both on their way to Hell.
George, first of all, if you're going to quote scripture, use a King James Bible. Secondly, I am not doing any of the above sins that I listed, so how am I hypocrite?
How does a person vote Democrat when most of the Democrat party goes against what the Bible teaches? Example sodomy and abortion?