Americans, where Columbus with his team landed in America for the first time? Where is this place? I'm from Russia?


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That depends on what you mean by "America."

If you mean "the Americas," it was on San Salvador - an island in the Bahamas.
If you mean the mainland, it was on the Paria Peninsula in Venezuela.
If you mean the North American mainland, it was Puerto Castillo in Honduras.
If you mean what is now the territory of the United States, it was St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

He never set foot on - or even sighted - the U.S. mainland.  Though if he had followed the islands northwest from the Bahamas rather than turning southwest on his first voyage, he would have hit Florida rather than Cuba at the end of October, 1492.


He first landed on the island of Hispaniola.  It is now Haiti on the western half and Dominican Republic on the eastern half.  In the Caribbean Sea just south of the mainland.


I think it was in the Caribbean.