What would you do if someone gave you the first name "Adolf"?


Parents or whoever raised you


Get it legally changed when I was old enough.


I'd do like other men given that name have done.

A. Martinez, the actor.
Dolph Briscoe, former state governor
And lots of men who legally changed their name as soon as they were adults.


Youd be like Disney.. And the moderna day Jews.. Trying to enslave us.. And human sacrifice us.... And eat peoppes hearts and souls... And surpress you.. And try to control every aspect of your life.. Back you into a corner.. Geld down in a strangle hold.. And repeatedly murder me.. Then they are the victims.. Its all my fault.. Tgey are always right... Me always wrong.. They are doing a good deed.. They try to turn everuone againdt me and to help them murder me.. I am crazy.. And need therapy...  Thats what they try to act like...


Thankfully they didn't. 
If they had though I would have legally changed it by now.


But it did not...I am a woman with a better name..

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