Do Kamala Harris supporters really like her because of her character and policies or only because of her race and gender? ?

Ogres are like Onions2021-03-22T17:37:29Z

Favorite Answer

I challenge any Harris supporter to name even a single policy she has promoted.  Or a single legislative achievement she made in the two years she was a senator.  Or name a single admirable effort she made as a prosecutor in California.
And that is all you need to know in order to conclude that gender and race are the only things that matter to Democrats.

Mr.4-1-2 💯🇵🇷🙏🏽✡️🗽🌉2021-03-22T17:43:27Z

It’s definitely a race and gender thing. 


Only her racees and gender matter. She would never have gained her current position on her own merits.


Race and gender
Kamala Harris is good for nothing
Biden is ok


I think everybody was so sick of Trump, that they would have voted for any alternative.