I believe in Jesus, but without asking him into my heart am I saved?

No Chance Without Jesus2021-03-24T17:21:56Z

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The devil believes in Jesus

no. Unless you are willing to bow down to Him as your Lord, your belief avails you nothing


NO one is "saved" in this world.  Salvation is given -- or not -- after we die and are judged.


Yes, if you regret your sins, give them up, make what amends you can for them that won't make matters worse, and replace them with good works.  Faith without works is dead, and so are we.


I confess my sins Jesus I know you died on the cross for my sins took the keys of death from Satan rose on the third day and now you set at the right hand of God waiting to judge the living and the dead I accept you in my heart the best way I know how thank you for coming into my life by faith amen 🙏 


That, and when you start following him, yes, you’ve entered salvation.

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