Why do political CONServatives want to control what other people do?

Is there a solid reason why they can't mind their own business and leave others alone?  I'd like to know.


If you really wanted to know, YOU'D give an example of this "behavior" you THINK you see from Conservatives so your misguided impressions could be cleared up and so you could be exposed to the truth of the matter! There is one example that keeps coming up again and again in this area where the Left has NO understand behind WHY Conservative do it. here's the facts behind why Conservatives do it. The issue is abortion.

The type of rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and protected under the Constitution are Natural (Individual) Rights. These type of rights are exercised by the individual. They don't need government to do them for you, only to protect your ability to practice them. Of these many rights is the Natural Right to Life.

Liberals are always concerned about the "rights" of the mother. Who is looking out for the Right to Life of the person inside her. In the case of the unborn, the unborn can't get firearm carry permits to protect themselves. If Mom won't protect them, they have no choice but to rely on government for their protection. Laws are there to protect the most vulnerable of us.

Conservatives are only "controlling" what the mother and abortion services try to do that unborn child because Conservatives believe that child has the full right to the Constitutional Natural Right to Life which mom and abortion services is trying to deny that child. The only real issue is when that life in the mother is considered a person, endowed by it's creator with the inalienable Right to Life. 

Conservatives will no doubt keep pushing back at Roe v. Wade until abortion is a rarity.

Desolate the Toothsome2021-03-25T02:19:47Z

Conservatives don't.

Democrats and Republicans both do, in one way or another.

I'm Conservative on the Constitution...other than that, have fun.

Pearl L2021-03-25T02:19:43Z

cause they think its their job


Yet your side is pushing to kick Americans off social media, ban guns, ban speech, take OUR money for your welfare Queen lifestyle 


I don't. Why are you thisstupid?

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