What are your thoughts of Lewis Hamilton after he was accused of making antisemitic and xenophobic remarks about Hispanics?

Lewis Hamilton, the black F1 racing driver with experience, has made a few insensitive remarks similar to what Jeremy Clarkson has done. But people only place the blame on Clarkson.

The media doesn't rant about black racists the same way they do about white racists because they want to make sure the black person is always innocent.

A few months back, he was trashtalking Jews, calling them and their country (Israel) "a bunch of termites and rats," and spoke of American Hispanic women as "dogs from shithole countries." Despite his remarks, he has gained support from Mercedes-AMG.


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I don't care. If he gives an opinion and you don't like it, it will not change his opinion. He is not a racist. Black people are not the oppressors in society. if he was, he would be a racist trying to keep other from progressing. And the World knows the ones that century after century are responsible for that.