Poll: Have you been taken in an ambulance before?

If so, what was the cause of it?


1. Head injury as a kid
2. Heart attack as an older adult


lol no, thank the heavens no.


.Yes.I am a clinical volunteer for NHS Ambulance service driver, emergency care assistant, 

Gummy Roach2021-03-26T20:40:50Z

Yes I have, once.
About 4 years ago I got really sick and so I drove over to one of those insta-care clinics.  They put me on anti-biotics and said If I wasn't feeling better by the next afternoon, to come back.  Next afternoon I was feeling even worse.  They took my temperature and it was 104.  They said, "You need to get to the hospital NOW!  We'll call an ambulance."  I told them I could drive myself and they wouldn't hear of it.  They gave me 5 minutes to try to call a friend or family member, but I couldn't get hold of anyone, sooo they called an ambulance.  The ambulance people were extremely nice. I was hospitalized with pneumonia and had to spend about a week there.  Afterwards, I was on oxygen for about 2 weeks.  The whole ordeal was kind of shocking.  (So was the ambulance bill;  $2000 for an ambulance ride 5 miles up the road from the clinic.  Yikes!)

Free Spirit2021-03-26T20:32:46Z

no not yet maybe soon though. a lot of people don't like me. :/

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