Jesus stated at Luke 22:19-20 to keep doing this in remembrance of me at the last supper. Are you obeying Jesus and keeping his request?
Jesus at the last supper replaced the Passover which happens once a year on Nissan 14th(Jewish calendar) Jesus was a Jew and the Passover was a Jewish celebration. The Jewish day start at sundown and today the 14th of Nissan starts at sundown. Some have criticized Jehovah’s Witnesses for commemorating his death and what the emblems mean at the last supper. When he states to keep doing this in remembrance of him. Where did he state this about his birth? Pls respect Jesus and the ransom sacrifice he provided.
Luke 19:20-21
1 Corinthians 11:23-25
I didn’t say celebrate the last supper I said we commemorate his death and at the memorial service the wine represents his blood and bread his body. Why no educate yourself and read the Bible
They are explained in detail what the emblems mean and that only if you have the heavenly calling and is part of the kingdom covenant you should part take.
John the Baptist died before he could join Christ in this convenant that’s why the Bible states the least on in relations to the kingdom is great than he although he is the greatest man born before Christ. Luke 22:29
The Catholic Church was established 400 years after Jesus they are the biggest cult on this planet.
The Bible states that Priest or Elders should be husbands to one wife while the Church like the Jews teach cult teachings man made.That’s why Catholic priests live in sin as well have a much higher sex abuse rate. 1 Timothy 3:2 husband to one wife1 Timothy 4:1-3 they forbid marriageDisgusting removal of God’s name from the Bible doesn’t honor god.
Petter has a mother n law Matthew 8:14
Scholars do not know how to say Jesus name in Hebrew why doesn’t bibles remove it since it’s just as sacred as Jehovah or equally as holy
Fulfilled is a better word than replace thank you.