How did unaccompanied children get to our border?  Who are they?

If you haven't heard of "Street Children" in poor countries, then you are sadly uninformed.

These children travel miles to get to our borders.  Is it wrong to feed children?
And if Mexico cannot or will not handle them all, what could be done?

People who are pro-life and anti-choice should jump at the chance to adopt a child like this.  Isn't that right?  Why wouldn't someone who wants to adopt take one of these children?  Explain.


I applaud Biden's decision to hand the problem over to Kamala Harris because of her past performance as a "can do" prosecutor.  I do think these children should be made available for adoption if they choose.  I always think that pro-life people should step up and take them in.  I believe Harris may force Mexico and other countries to accommodate these kids.  Unwanted children are a problem.


You must point game to be a top contributor in politics.
Most of these border children are for human trafficking. You're very naive and in denial.
Try FOX news for a change and brighten your horizens.

Desolate the Toothsome2021-03-28T01:58:40Z

There must certainly be a better solution than putting them in cages..and that practice did NOT originate with Trump, as much as I dislike him.

So let's hear YOUR constructive idea, Judy...the one that doesn't involve pro-life people adopting them.

C'mon...your boy's in trouble.

We are all ears.

Biden, according to his own words, was put in charge of the Southern Border during the Obama perhaps the problem he helped create has come home to roost...only to be passed on to Kamala.

I think of it as buck passing...but no matter.  I think the children should be adopted  out if possible, wards of the State if not.

Regardless, a clear path to citizenship as well.

What would you think of this approach:  An agreement where Mexico, Canada and the US become partners with dealing with mass immigration from our Continent, and at the same time try to deal jointly with the issues in their home countries driving them here?


Zombie kids of Xibalba. 


That’s how you got here

Jeff S2021-03-28T01:54:10Z

They were probably from the 2018 migrant caravans Trump stopped at the border! 

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