The Rights Went Out in Georgia: Is Georgia new law a direct attack against the 1st & 26th amendment to deprive & oppress the minority vote!?

No food or water!? Voting is now unwelcome, uneasy, unfriendly & hostile!? This is 'unconstitutional!' Our voting rights CANNOT be denied, prohibited or abridged! All this shows is that far right radical extremists are arrogant, greedy, SORE LOSERS! 'UNJUST' law CANNOT be law! 'FIGHT FOR JUSTICE' to RECALL RACIST Brian Kemp!


Favorite Answer

Probably. I asked much the same question, and here is what I selected as best answer. I think it makes a lot of sense:
"The Republicans are making the lines as long as possible in Democratic communities. They hope people will get heat stroke so they can't vote."


Read the actual bill, not occupy democrats memes that lie to you.