What human food can poodles eat?

Aged Kiwi2021-03-29T11:53:28Z

• "What human food can poodles eat?"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjAHw2DEBgw   suggests roast leg of insurance salesman. But by-&-large, dogs prefer to eat their meat 🥩🍗 raw. Cooking destroys many of the vitamins etc that are in the raw animal proteins that wolves, jackals, foxes, dogs, dholes, coyotes have as the main part of their diet. Raw meat has particular benefits for domestic dogs: It "teaches" the stomach acids to be stronger, thus they do a GOOD job of destroying bacteria growing in carrion. Whereas a kibble-based diet reduces the strength of the stomach acids, thus putting the dog at higher risk if it finds some carrion to eat.
🤯 I think I told you that if you are going to feed both raw meat and kibbles, make sure there is at least 4 hours between those 2 kinds of diet.

For a variety of reasons, SOME foods that WE like are NOT a good idea for dogs - salts & spices come to mind. In the wild, the only salt a coyote, dhole, dog, fox, jackal or wolf is likely to imbibe is the salt in the blood of whatever animal the dog kills & eats. It is NOT likely to ever meet pepper or spices.

https://www.battersea.org.uk/pet-advice/dog-care-advice/toxic-food-dogs   tells you the main foodstuffs to 💀 KEEP AWAY FROM DOGS!

Please remember that BREED-names start almost every word with a capital letter - so the breed in this question is one of the 4 Poodles I already linked you to the International Standard of.

Les the aged Kiwi - first pup in 1950, GSD trainer & breeder as of Easter 1968


Anything fresh and raw except vegetables in the Allium family (onions, garlic, etc.) and macadamia nuts.  Dairy products are processed, not fresh and raw, so should not be included in a planned diet but a little piece of cheese of spoonful of yoghurt can be a nice treat.  


dont feed your dog any human foods because the foods are bad for animals health such as toxis foods has too much salt and sugar and too much calories and too much sodium are bad for dog . can give them weak bones and can give them cancers and  disabetic and skins problems and some foods can make dog have their coats greasy and oil and some time can make their coat fall out. and can kill the dogs if eat any human foods . dogs should only eat their own dog foods like dried food and canned cans dogs foods but not alot of it. dogs should only have 1 and 1 half cups of dried foods every morning and 1 cup of dried food for lunch and dinner time and give plenty of fresh waters and make sure you take your dogs outside after eating and drinking water so that they wont poops and pee in your house . you can give your dogs 1 small pieces of dog treats  but not every day only once a while. dogs treats can make the dog over weight if eat too much treats.  poodles need to be groom every once a year so that their coats wont be too long and they re nails should be trim once a year by a groomer. but you can buy small chewing dogs bones that they can chew and play with make sure not a rubber kind brand because can choke on it. If you want to look what they have you can order good healthy treats that are only made for dogs . that doesnt have no sodium,no sugar , no salt, not alot of calories . only made with vegetables and rice and wheats and water. we buy our s pets foods on amazon because they have a good low cheaper brands foods and you dont need to waste alot of money at the grocery stores . go online amazon.com there you can find many good choices .


You can give them bites of human food but you don't feed them human food.  It would make more sense to search for things a dog CANNOT EAT.


Verulam 12021-03-28T12:48:00Z


Take what's relevant from my previous answer - can't be bothered to repeat.

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