Why can't liberals accept the fact that 74 million people voted for Trump?


cause they didnt want trump to win


LOL yeah, not enough to win clearly


"Why can't liberals accept the fact that 74 million people..."  ...don't agree with them.
Oh, that's an easy one: our "liberal" friends are trained to fly into one of their lil RAGES the moment another human being dares to question what they've been indoctrinated to believe. Sad, so very, VERY sad, I know, but that's just how the lil darlins are. Their moms and their "teachers" FAILED the children quite badly, no?

Mr. Smartypants2021-03-28T23:54:18Z

Why can't YOU guys accept the fact that more people voted for Biden?


they do, they also accept that 80 million plus voted for Biden

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