How come the Mexico government doesn’t do anything about the cartels in that country?


they are even more openly corrupt than the US gov


    Any REAL president of the United States would respect the fact that only with US cooperation/leadership can Latin American nations defeat the cartels. 
    They finally HAD that leadership, were all coordinating their strengths, building a wall, placing tens of thousands of Mexican Army troops on the US/Mex border...
    Then, with one executive order, all that hope, money and effort just evaporated. Thanks a hell of a lot, BIDEN!


Spoken like an idiot trumper. Tell me please. There are just as many drug gangs in the US. What have we done about them? You don’t think Mexico has done anything? Is your head so far up your azzy, that you can’t search it on line? Morons won’t be tolerated.


because the government pockets are lined
up with cartel money

Desolate the Toothsome2021-03-29T02:34:19Z

You either take the bribe or end up dead, I suspect.