What if some Christian figured out that God is like the Tree of Life & Jesus is the 1st fruits of it?


The tree of life is a representation of the love of God.  Its fruit is the atonement of Christ and eternal life for those who participate in it.  You're very close to the bullseye.


 Dont be silly they dont have the intellect  to be able to figure at all.


That's close, but a more conventional Christian view is that it is the Cross is the tree of life - that makes the symbolism of Jesus as the fruit of the tree even stronger.

There are hints of this in Genesis 3:22  - God declares 'Behold, the man has become like one of us ... now, lest he stretch forth his hand and and take also of the tree of life...'. The first words are echoed by Pilate's words at Jesus's trial  - 'Behold the Man'. Furthermore, the imagery of stretching out his hand to the tree is reflected in Jesus stretching out his hands on the cross.

Den B72021-03-29T16:28:41Z

Yes. What if?
Better yet... what if an atheist figured that out?


Okay, so what's your question? "What if" doesn't qualify as an actual question, so what are you asking us?

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