Why did Jesus in his Model Prayer or Our Father Prayer not state Our Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit hollow be thy name?

The heater of prayer is God and Jesus only prayed to the father


Yes Hollowed thanx for the correction make is Holy =  take it out of the Bible Genius?


Jesus was no Trinitarian.  Neither was St. Paul.  According to Paul, only the Father is God.  Jesus is only one of the Lords, or lesser divine beings.


It's because it would have been very odd for him to pray to himself.


Jesus was praying to the Father and was showing us that we should also pray to the Father. Jesus is our advocate with the Father and it is because of Christ that we can come with confidence to the Father.


That’s because the name of God is Jehovah every blasphemous Bible dishonors God by removing it. Jehovah is one Jehovah and one person the Father


Jesus knew that he was Mediator between God and man. So he taught his apostles to pray to the Father, and in Jesus' name. 

John 14:13 KJV — And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.