What is the voltage drop across the 3 Ohm resistor?

a. 3 V
b. 9 V
c. 1.5 V
d. 4.5 V


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Find the current, V=IR(total) so I = V/R(total)
V/R(total) = 9/6 = 1.5 amp
Find the Voltage drop, V = IR₃
IR₃ = 1.5 × 3 = 4.5 v


V(3)= (9*3)/6=27/6=4.5v.


3 Ω is half of the resistance of the circuit, so the voltage drop is
½*9V = 4.5 V ◄ d

total resistance R = 6 Ω
so current I = V/R = 9V / 6Ω = 1.5 A
and the drop across any resistor is I*R = 1.5A * R


V(3) = V*3/(1+2+3) = 9*3/6 = 4.5 V 


Current I = 9V/(2+3+1) Ohms = 9/7 A

V3 = I*3Ohms = 27/7 A = 3.86 A