What do black people think of Asians?


That they fell victim to Trumps white supremacy. All of this mess will backfire on trump and those of like minds. People are waking up to divide and conquer strategies and WILL Unite against it.


Do you want all 32 million different opinions?  

Or shall I simplify it by saying that some don't like any Asian people they don't know, and others don't really have an opinion one way or the other, and still others find some Asian boys or Asian girls kinda HOT?  Because that's pretty much the way it breaks down.

Brother X2021-03-31T18:49:27Z

If they ain't done us no harm then we just see people as people


I think that they like Indians okay, especially since they can have some pretty dark skin too.  I do not think that there are many black people in Russia, so I am not sure if they have an opinion on Russians.