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Would you agree that police brutality against black men is inflated?

I’m just opening a discussion here. I believe that police brutality against black men is inflated by media. 

How many cases of “police officer kills/shots white woman/man” do you see on tv or social media?? However, as soon as there is the most minimalist act against a man/woman of color by a police officer the media is writing essays about it, and I think that’s how this entire black lives matter movement even started, it shifted the spot light to EVERY case of police “brutality” to cases of man/woman of color, however statistics show that these numbers are inflated by the amount of attention media has purposely thrown at those cases.  Now let me ask you this, if those police officers that killed Floyd, had done the same thing BUT to a white man, would it have been as big a scandal on social media as it was for Floyd? What are your thoughts on this? NO ONE IS SAYING RACISM IS ABOLISHEDBefore Im attacked and being called a racist. 

Updated 5 days ago:

I’m sure a lot of your answers will be biased but I will ask you to look at what has really been going on with both an open and reasonable mind. Asians had been quiet for the LONGEST time about all the discrimination against them, and before the most recent protests all the racism/discrimination focus was on colored people and I think that right there proves a big point that Im trying to make, media knows where to focus on to get the attention of their spectators. 

Updated 5 days ago:

And please provide backing for your answer don’t just say “no”, if it really is “no” then prove it :) I would love to see it.

9 Answers

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    I haven't personally seen any actual police brutality but I have seen instances of where black people are treated differently. For example, I've been able to drive through border checkpoints with barely a wave and a nod from the guards but I have seen black people being made to get out of their cars and searched.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    I didn't read your babble. But no it's not inflated. You need to shut up and go back into your hole. I am white. Racism is real. Shut up.

  • RICK
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    No I would not agree

    I have personally seen too many examples to say its inflated

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 days ago

    there is BIG money and BIG video views in race hustling. the media knows this. 

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  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    Police brutality exists no matter who is injured. 

    I ended up with a broken arm after I was stopped for tail lights being out. 

    The police inflated this to no headlights and no brake lights too, which was untrue.  While I was questioning their supposed observations, they pretended that they saw a gun, which did not exist.  So then they broke my window and tore me out of the car, smashing my face down onto a parking lot.  I turned my head so I didn't get broken teeth and nose.  So then they twisted my arms until one broke.  They took me to jail and refused me medical care.  My chest and shoulder were swollen terribly.  My arm turned black.  My humorus bone was broken in 2 places.  Several of my rotator cuff muscles were torn completely.  My nerves were broken and have not repaired after 6 years.  My arm is a mess. 

    I'm not black. 

    I had a valid driver's license, registration and proof of insurance. 

    I had no weapons, alcohol or drugs. 

    I had no criminal history. 

    Police are crazy! 

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Yes it is and floyd resisted arrest and died of drugs he took and had covid ("cant breathe")

  • 5 days ago

    i dont think theyre all like that

  • 5 days ago

    Nope. Pretty sure it is vastly underreported.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    No, because it's not.

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