Since the cop that killed George Floyd was charged with killing him.... what about the cops that killed Tony Timpe?

So about a year before George Floyd was killed there was an altercation between the police and a white man named Tony Timpe. He was getting arrested and to restrain him on the ground one of the cops pressed his knee into Tony's neck. On the video Tony is crying and saying that he could not breathe and when it was all said and done he was dead. He died in the exact same way as George Floyd and the Cops were never held accountable, infact I am willing to bet that most of you dont even know his name. The reason for this is simple really, the media only talks about black people that get killed by the cops despite the fact that 780 non-black people were killed by the cops in 2020. If the cops that killed Tony Timpe are free and still in uniform the cops that killed George Floyd should be as well. Despite the narrative pushed by the left and black people, Police brutality is not a racial issue, it is something that everybody has to deal with. You cant cry "Racism" everytime a black person is killed by the cops and then just sit back and ignore the fact that most of the people killed by the police are not black. And you can try to talk about how blacks are killed at a disproportionate rate, and you would be correct, but you also have to consider the fact that black people commit violent crimes and kill the police at a disproportionate rate. Its also a fact that black people kill more white people than white people kill black people despite population sizes


I recently saw a graph that showed the cops killed more whites than blacks. Why is there never a protest about this? Both percentage wise in the population and in actual numbers. I think it was for San Diego.