Isn't it fishy how Matt Gaetz quit his Federal position right before this news story landed and decided to work for News Maxx?

I just find it strange. Usually a congress person doesn't quit a few months into his term and would want to stay in his federal position to enact change. Also he was grasping at straws at every angle when he was on Tucker Carlson. He even tried bringing up Tucker being acccused of rape and Tucker got really pissed off. Like he was like WTF? Did you just try to rope me into your bullshit? lmao


What’s fishy is how politicians in the spotlight all of a sudden face accusations that have supposedly been kept quiet for years.   This is true of politicians of both parties.  

As far as Gaetz, he’s been dragged into an investigation that he is not the focus of and he faces no charges, just some unproven rumors.


I am just saying , its strange. He had a federal position, then he just decided to quit it. Then it turns out the news story comes out of him sex trafficing children. I am not saying he did but why qould he quit his federal position. Unless their is something more to the picture I am not seeing?


The only thing fishy is your Mum.