Why are the Democrats putting kids in cages down at the border ?

Aren’t they supposed to be the compassionate ones...those cages that were created under the Obama Biden administration is at it again with Biden now putting all those kids in cages. Why isn’t there the outcry by the media and liberals that became the big story under President Trump? What are the democrats hiding down at the border that their leaders refuse to go and won’t let the media see those cages that they put those kids in?

Desolate the Toothsome2021-04-02T01:06:03Z

Favorite Answer

The same reason the  last term President's administration did it, and the previous one before them.

Joe Biden, apparently, by his own admission, shaped border policy during Obama's administration.

So I guess this kind of circled back.


It's a shameful policy, whoever enforces it.


Better than move them to the USA to be gangsters .... so they could kill + rape liberals


False, no evidence of that.