Does it annoy you when people refuse to play a game because they hate the graphics?

Okay so My brothers refuse to play certain games because they think it looks outdated. When I played Skyrim during its time of release (2011), my brother said the graphics suck and he won't play it. Even Witcher 3 (2015), my bro won't give it a try because he thinks the grpahics are bad. He expects realistic graphics for a 2015 game. He wants graphics live Battlefield or Red Dead Redemption 2. 


Witcher 3 has bad graphics he says? hahaahahahhaahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahahaahahahahaahha. even in 2021, the graphics of Witcher 3 is still impressive I mean it looks much better than Cyberpunk too.


Be more understanding, every person has a different desire for what they want to spend their time on. It is, after all, THEIR LIFE.

If you knew they would die tomorrow, would you give a crap if they played  a bad graphic game?

No right?

That is because they have a limited time.

Knowing and not knowing  makes no difference. The point is that  the person has something they WANT for their limited time on earth, and they deserve to have a   say on what they want to spend it on.

Let me give you an analogy.

Maybe you like boobs, and the guy likes butts.

You say "but seriously, give  big boobs a try, i guarantee you'll like it"

but he insists, he only wants big butts.

You say, that is irrational, that is where poop comes from. why the hell would you be interested  in a place where poop comes from.

doesn't matter.  its their life,  its what they are interested in,  its what  gives them happiness.

tell me. Do you like watching movies in 8k? or do you like  reading books?

are you starting to understand now?


Not in the least.


I've been a gamer since I was a child playing my parent's Atari 2600 back in the 80's, so I've been there and appreciate the industries progression.

I can see though how someone who has been spoiled with great graphics since birth may find (even) PS2 games bad.

I'm still buying PS and PS2  games I didn't have the money for as a teen.
Newer tvs try to make them graphics so good, they actually look like crap, which is why if you are going to play older games, keep a good CRT around.
Sadly, so many people have taken their older tvs to the dump (sometimes with nothing wrong with them).
You can't find a 27" Trinitron for under $100.

BTW, anyone who is buying from "scalpers" are NOT true gamers.



I cannot play the witcher 3 for the same reason..and the super long boring intro doesnt help either....But if I had played it when it first came out I would no doubt be able to overlook these issues....

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