how would an illegal alien from Mexico react if I punched one of them next time i saw them giving me the "stare"? why they do this?


type in "Mexicans' and "stare" on your search engine and see how many other people have noticed what i notice. why they do this? (especially if you are white and happen to ALSO be doing the work they are wanting to take over from you? why?)


type it in on yahoo answers...100s of questions about this!


Favorite Answer

It's a form of communication, like the grito. How they would react depends on their level of mellow, AKA the amount of tequila they've had so far that day.


It's so rare to see a White American doing manual labor.


They would get much money from you in the assault law suite because your stupid!


he would look at you in anquish and shout "why you do that?!"


You sound like an illegal alien yourself with that "why they do this"

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