Can Americans claim to be patriots if they disagree with the Founding Fathers & the fundamental principles?

In the 'Naturalization Act of 1790' it states that citizenship should be restricted to "free white person(s) ... of good character".

If someone disagrees with that fundamental principle & think they know better than the founding fathers, do you think they can reasonably argue that they are patriotic?


I'm only really interested in the White/real/European Americans opinions on this matter, as obviously the other dependants will ignore the fundamental principles in order to justify themselves opting to live in a White-built country - That wouldn't need to be asked..


Hey, @OvercomingGravity, since you think "Superior whites built the modern world", does that also mean you "superior whites" are going to take credit for the massive, worldwide environmental disasters your "modern world" has unleashed on all the rest of us?  And the hundreds of millions of people with brown skin who you "superior whites" have murdered while building your "modern world", are you going to take credit for murdering them, too? 


Yes. The founding fathers themselves proposed that patriotism was loyalty to the country,  not the people leading it


Old dudes were smart enough to allow modifications to the doctrines that they stole from history. Dumb people don't get this.


Yes, I think we can disagree with the Naturalization Act of 1790 and still claim to be patriots.