Are relationships really based on love?

Everyone says it is, but if people were really honest with themselves I think they'd realize their relationships are actually based on status quo, reputation, and money. Love is no different than any other human emotion. Sometimes you're angry, sometimes you're sad, other times you're happy, but you're not supposed to feel any one way all of the time, that includes feelings of love. If you think love lasts forever you are delusional. Even if it could, it shouldn't as this would be unnatural. The Beetles were wrong, love is not all you need for a relationship to work. It can't always be sunshine and rainbows, the party has to end at some point. Is it really your spouse's charming personality that keeps you from getting a divorce or are you simply afraid of loosing the house, car, and becoming a single parent, until one day you decide to overcome that fear? Love fades, it is pretty much an inevitability, yet no one prepares you for it. Nobody warns you about this, but they are quick to wish you the best of luck in your future together as if everything is just gonna work out perfectly solely because you want it to. 

Am I being too pessimistic or just thinking realistically? If you marry simply because you're in love it just seems like you are setting yourself up for failure. Can we have a real discussion on what to do when the love just isn't there anymore, because that day will come, it's simply a matter of time? It's not always someone's fault, this is just human nature.


You cannot dictate who your heart will fall for, your mind can't even get in there cause the love is overwhelming.  One's mind can't stop the love.  Even in an abusive relationship the love will leave the abused hanging on for dear life.  "I love him", "He said he wouldn't do it again & I believe him"  until it happens again.

Many people get lust & love confused. I have thought I had found love many times but as time went by, the person changed or I changed & what I thought was love was only delusional.  Beginning to wonder if love is nothing but a delusion.

THE BANNIBAL ONE2021-04-02T16:28:49Z

You're just too pessimistic.
Real love lasts forever.


You are wrong.  There are instances where love fades. There are different types of love. Agape love is live for mankind, familial love is for family,  brotherly love is for friends and Romantic Love.  
However,  loving someone is not the same as being "In love" with someone. 

I fell in love at first sight in the Spring of 1975, just prior to graduation.  We dated all summer,  in the fall he was off  to college and I was to report for duty in the Navy. We let each other go because  we were young and there was so many adventures to experience.  

In the Spring of 2010 we reconnected  after 35 years. We were both single and SKYPED all summer.  When he came to visit me, after a hello hug time melted and we picked up where we left off. The love was stronger and we have been together since.  We are best friends and have so much fun together. 

Our love gets stronger and we started a tradition of not exchanging gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's day or Christmas. Instead we save that money for our camping trips which is giving  ourselves the gift of time together. 


we create and we destroy what we create. Relationships are just another option we have in our time killing arsenal. Feels real good sometimes.