Childhood cough WORSE than pandemic?
When I was only 12 I endured a cough that seemed to NOT go away, My mother took me to the family doctor and gave me cough suppresants. Since the cough was not going away my mother tried multiple medicines from many pharmacies. The cough began to be a part of my life, I even tried to learn to live with it. I had no support from ANYONE, not a parent, not a doctor, not a pharmacist, not a teacher, NOBODY! I was scolded and harassed in school by the teachers because of my cough, even through at that time I really wanted to be able to control it and SLEEP at night! I was even kicked out of the classroom multiple times as punishment because of my cough. I endured months of constant cough that was about every minute, even at night I couldn't sleep for more than 2-3 hours and I had multiple awakeanings. I also bothered my family because of my nighttime coughs. At that age I began to lose any hope that I would ever find relief so that I can sleep at night.
It was a pharmacist who thought maybe my cough is actually caused by excess mucus that FINALLY gave me a mucolytic that CURED me in just 4 days! I felt intense joy because after living with a constant cough for about 5 months I finally got the BEST gift ever, the gift of quiet! Even if you are or were infected with COVID, trust me, it's way better to have flu symptoms for a week or two than to live with a cough!