I live in Minnesota I have taken the permit test more than 6 times but continue to fail I don't know what I am doing wrong?. I actually read the manual everyday I memorize the book but when I go to the dmv station I get nervous and forget everything 🙃 😅 I don't know why? I even do the practice tests online any tips on how I can pass I really want to drive and it is embrassing each time I fail.
6 times is nothing. Try 26 times. You can't come back until 2 weeks has passed so that means it took a YEAR before a lady got her Learner's License. English is not her first language so that was her problem. You probably do not have that problem. IF YOU "FREAK OUT" , THEN YOU ARE NOT A "CANDIDATE" TO DRIVE ON THE PUBLIC ROADS. Nobody WANTS you on the road. You can't get your schit together. you are a danger to EVERYONE ELSE.
Get together with a licensed driver who has time to discuss the whole driving summary with you. Next time you test, mentally pretend you're still having the in-person discussion. Take your time and stop looking for attention from boys in the room.
GET INDEX CARDS and make flash cards of every possible question. You could print the visual ones, like signs and road markings on regular paper and paste them on.