What was your reaction when Obama's hand picked FBI Director spied on Obamas political enemies, the Trump campaign?
Mr Smartypants........I wish the FBI under Trump spied on his political enemies........I mean kept track of suspected criminal activity.
there was so much evidence of Russian collusion that Mueller charged a grand total of 0 people in the Trump campaign with colluding with Russia. lol
Not really surprised at the Obama's corruption. He always played fast and loose with the truth.
Not really all that surprised that a political appointee would be corrupt. It's not without precedence.
I was more surprised that there were no whistleblowers from the FBI or DoJ. They should have been coming out all over the place for this obvious misuse of power. That's part of the reason the once sterling reputations of the FBI and DoJ have lost its luster. Nobody said anything. That's a deep, deep stain on their reputation. The public trust, once lost, will take a long time to recover.
Finding out from our own and other country’s intelligence agencies that there were very suspicious activities between Trump’s campaign and Russia doesn’t trigger spying. It did however warrant legal investigation, which it was.
They weren't spying on the campaign. The FBI under Obama were keeping tabs on suspected criminal activity (and their investigations have already resulted in indictments and convictions!) You guys seem to think anything is legal so long as it's a Republican doing it.