What foods can vegetarians eat WHILE earning or maintaining ripped abs?

I became a vegetarian and replaced grilled chicken and salmon with plant-based meat. Yet, plant based meat is twice the price of regular meat :(  I realized this and attempted having, instead of real meat or fake meat, other sources that do whatever "meats" (real or fake) do.  A book called "Men's Health: Getting Abs", does not recommend such substitution for protein sources.

Yet, it has a list of dairies, starches & grains, nuts and fats, and fruits.  (And unlimited raw vegetables).  To not feel really hungry a lot, I would double up on its (limited) recommended amounts of each category per day.  

Dairies such as- cheese, cottage cheese, milk, plain low fat yogurt, or  sour cream.  Starches and grains such as- beans (black, cannellini, or garbanzo), (specific) cold cereal, oats, fist sized potato, pasta, pita bread, or tortilla.  Nuts + fats such as almond butter, cashew butter, or peanut butter.  I'd normally only have a couple or few pieces of fruit each day, but now I'd an extra piece.

Normally, I wouldn't have most of those listed dairies, starches + grains, or nuts.  I'd select 1 or 2 from each category that are the fittest. And I'd have salmon and grilled chicken.  

I once was pretty overweight, I lost 50 pounds doing the above.  Yet, I saw a video of animal slaughter and went vegetarian. Ever since, I have not lost the excessive weight that I wanted to, after the 1st 50 pounds.  Yet, I want to not kill animals.  There must be another way to be fit.  

What is it?

A Hunch2021-04-05T06:10:05Z

If you want to be a healthy vegetarian, eating processed food isn't going to get you there.
Impossible and beyond beef isn't healthy.  It's higher in calories, fat, and salt than a regular hamburger and has less protein.

You can google and find the highest protein foods for a vegetarian / vegan and figure out which ones work for you. 


Keep in mind that you've already lost 50 pounds.  Weight loss is reasonably easy at the beginning.  But as your body loses weight, it needs less fuel.  Many people hit a plateau.

Also, don't stick with just one cookbook.  Mix it up.  Here are a few suggestions:



Ask a Nutritionist. 


probably just vegetable