Liberals, do you consider laws only allowing US citizens to vote to be voter suppression?


?............youre accusing me of being partisan when you're pushing propaganda that a person needs 3 different ids to vote? lol


It depends on how many hoops you have to jump through to prove to everyone's satisfaction that you are who you say you are and that you are eligible to vote and that you are the one who voted. And can keep proving it over and over forever.


Not per se, but I'd have to see the text of the exact law to comment further.  Many measures that have titles claiming to protect the integrity of elections have details that I would consider undue burdens on the poor and disenfranchised.


The whole population is more than just citizens.  But you're happy to exclude someone.


Those laws ALREADY EXIST. And are enforced.

When laws are created under the lie of citizenship but are designed to throw up Extra roadblocks for minorities beyond existing verification then that suppression.

if you needed to get Three special separate (for example) forms of Id in order to purchase a firearm that would have the same people prompting these voter suppression laws up in arms.

Rightfully so because both are (Or would be cause no one proposed the gun Id yet) an infringement on the constitutional freedoms of Americans.

You are believing partisan bs. 

Think for yourself and don’t drink the kool aid.

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