How Should People, Who Live Alone Deal With The COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects?

Just asking for people that do live alone, and has no roommate or is living with any siblings, etc.....

Should they do things that they normally would do(go for a walk, cook, exercise, lift some what heavy stuff when needed, exercise, go grocery shopping, go window shopping, exercise, etc...?

Should they take a over counter pain relieve medication like Ibuprofen. If they feel a headache or it coming?

Really how should people, that live alone really go about their day with the COVID-19 Vaccine side effects happening? MAYBE call one their siblings that lives in another part of the city or next door country to come over for moral and emotional support. IF there is a relative that live near by go over there support and hang out?

How to tell it just the COVID-19 vaccine side affects and not some other health problem, or something else similar? Also that it a health problem from the Covid-19 side effect or the vaccine itself? So they don't worry themselves off, since they are by themselves. With no one else to talk to, get support or help if there is a problem(like go with to the doctor, or just do a drop in).


What side effects? Most people who get vaccinated have no side effects or, at most, a sore arm.


You should be intelligent enough to not get a vaccine for a non-existent disease.

The First Dragon2021-04-03T21:20:46Z

The only serious side effects take place right after the injection - so there will be medical personnel available, and no real danger.
As for the ones that last a few days, you just take whatever patent or natural remedies that you think will help with the symptoms; or don't take any.  You should be fine in a few days.


I live alone and I had hallucination, did not mind the Proxies, but the thing that kept running throw the walls was scary as hell!  But I survived it!  I THINK!  in twelve days I get shot two and that one is suppose to be worse. So I am locking all my guns in storage for safety!


I had a sore arm and I took acetaminophen

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