My eye is infected after 1 day of contacts?

I went to the eye doctor Thursday to get a vision test. They told me I needed glasses and I asked them if I can also have contacts. They gave me a trial pair of contacts with my prescription. I also ordered regular glasses. That same day they taught me how to put in contacts. I wore the contacts the whole day. I took them out at night. The next day my left eye was sore and was erritated. I didn't put in contacts that day because of that. Its now Sunday my left eye is swollen I woke up to my lid crusted shut with what seemed to be puss and my lid is swollen and eye red. Should I go to the hospital after my Easter celebration or wait till Monday to go to that eye doctor. 


Talk to the eye doctor, you probably wont be able to wear contacts at all unless it happened to be pink eye. Hopefully you get your glasses in this week so you can start wearing them. Contacts are nice but they are not for everyone as I know many people that tried them and it never works out. Glasses are really the best option, no solutions to buy and the extra time to deal with them. Many people that do wear contacts can only wear them for a few hours here and there, so they don't bother with them and just wear their glasses. It does take time to get used to wearing glasses but your eyes feel better with them over contacts .If you are allergic to the contacts and or solutions, you are not likely to be able to wear them. Glasses are a much better option once they are properly adjusted and you get used to wearing them!


You may now have pink eye so yes see a doctor and he will likely prescribe eye drops.
Irritation and infection are 2 totally different things.
No sterile contact lens or solution can cause an infection PERIOD.
And you CLEARLY have an INFECTION.