Why are conservatives so TRIGGERED by MLB moving their All Star Game from Atlanta after Georgia passed a ruthless voter suppression law?!?


Read the comments in here and you get your answer. How meta.


What an ignorant question.  Clearly, you've not read anything and haven't bothered to check THE FACTS.  Stacy Abrahms and Biden were both called out on THE LIES they spewed regarding the new law.  


I'm still waiting for someone to intelligently explain what the problems are with the new laws.  If I have to have an ID to exercise my right to purchase a firearm why shouldn't Billy Joe Jim Bob have to have one to vote?  If he has one to get his welfare checks, why doesn't he have one for voting?  The taxpayers of Georgia are even forced to pay for the ID.  What more do the lazy Georgia voters want, a personal secretary to fill out their ballot for them?


They think consequences occur for no reason (not too bright).


There was no ruthless voter suppression law. Holy hell you left wingers are so easily brainwashed. 

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