what should I do when I feel like my girlfriend is not happy in the relationship?

in the past few months, we argued a lot. like maybe we go 2 full weeks before another argument. She told me that spending weekend with me is boring (i usually spend for sports and eating in restaurants). The confusing thing is that she does not wanna leave me. Sometimes she hugs me and kisses me. Sometimes she got pissed so easily. 

I told her that if she wants to be with me, she has to be happy following the way I live. I am feeling happy but often times her behavior does not make me happy. Should we take a break? Please give me some advice. Thank you.


Mitchell: I did not get what u mean?


Patricia: We did not just sitting around watching TVs. We do some activities like playing tennis. We usually go to a lot of places but since the pandemic, activities are kind of limited. Also, she does not tell me what she wants us to do.


Favorite Answer

Maybe take her out on dates sometimes, instead of sitting there getting old and fat with take-out food and sitting around on the couch watching tv

T J2021-04-04T17:42:19Z

Yes, take a break, a break for a lifetime. Who wants to deal with anyone like her for the rest of your life. She will not stop being what she is.


Yes, you should take a break. Give it a month, and see if either of you really want to be together.


Why would she tell you she thinks of leaving you?