I have heard that marijuana smoke is 10X more toxic on lungs than tobacco smoke; could this be propaganda?

I am diagnosed with chronic asthma since I was a boy.  I am 48 years old now.  I noticed when someone lights up a cigarette near me, I cough and cough...almost passing out.  When someone lights a joint next to me, I have no problems with my lungs.  Shouldn't this say that the myth that a marijuana cigarette is as toxic on lungs as a pack of cigarettes; is false?


Favorite Answer

The average person that has never smoked will choke to death when somebody blows cigarette smoke in their face.

A person who has never smoked crack cocaine can inhale the fumes from crack cocaine and not cough a bit.

It's well known that cocaine is more toxic than cigarettes!

It's all about the drug that's in the smoke if it anesthetizes and soothes your lungs you'll be able to get it down into them.  The fumes from cyanide smell delicious! It smells like almonds.

But that's certainly doesn't make it any less toxic.

The same holds true for cannabis


I have never heard that before. Weed is just a plant that you smoke. Cigarettes is a plant with a bunch of other chemicals that you smoke. So I don’t think there’s anyone out there that thinks weed smoke is more dangerous than cigarette smoke. 

The effects is a different story.