Do Democrats play dirty? How about this one, to insure reelection- busing thousand and thousands of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to RED states knowing?

full well that they will be so grateful to this puppet in Washington and all of the freebees they get just for coming into our house without asking permission, that they'll turn the red states blue. And THEN the can have full power OVER America.
And then America becomes a Fascist state that if we want out, we'll have to shoot our way out, which is the reason for the gun confiscation.
If we don't open our f&cking eyes our sons and daughters will be indoctrinated into the new Nazi party.

Little Ms Sunshine2021-04-04T21:07:27Z

Non-citizens can't vote, so I don't know where you get this one. 
Oh, you mean once that when eventually they become citizens, then they can vote Democratic? But of course - ours is a country of immigrants. Everyone is from somewhere else, except Native Americans. 
New citizens can certainly vote because they have a stake in the success of our country. 
Do you know that voting is your way to have representatives determine where your tax dollars go? (It's unfortunate that the Republicans are refusing to participate in this process, because that's what they are sent to Washington for.) 
So, anyway, if we have more citizens, there's more tax money to cover the debts and expenditures. Sounds like a good plan to me. 


You sound as if you are triggered.


Democrats have always played dirty and there is little that is more dirty than using illegal immigration to flip states to your favor. 


my snatch is dirty


Some people from any group will play dirty.  It's painting everyone with the same brush, which breeds bigotry, that's the bigger problem.

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