How can we build a better a world? ?

I want to live in a world that is free of all capitalist wickedness, as this brings such misery to us all. It is a rotten system that ensures the suffering of the many for the wealth of the very few. It is the root of all suffering, and is the cause of several social problems, but not limited to: inequality, racism and exploitation.
I want to live in a world where there is no more suffering. I want to end class conflict, racism and inequality. I want a clean world powered by renewable energy. A world where there is no longer poverty, nor super rich, but everyone lives a decent middle-income level lifestyle. A world where workers ruled and there were government-led workers councils in every state, in addition to unions. A world where all workers are happy with their work and are no longer constrained to the demands of endless profit. A world free of oppression or exploitation of any kind. A world without jails or prisons, but places to rehabilitate people. A world without slaughterhouses or places of non-human suffering as well. A world without owners, or where ownership was collective in pursuit of the common good and best outcome for society.
How can we, collectively, as a society move forward to fulfill this world and meet these objectives? 


JonnieBabes, ya can start by STOPPIN' yer snivelin', nome sayin', child!
Just.  DO.  IT!!!!!

thomas f2021-04-04T22:24:11Z

Wow. You really are a crazy mixed up kid, as my mother would say. Do you really want to live in a world where all of the power is concentrated into the hands of a few high government elite? A world where no matter how hard you work, you can never get ahead, and all of your hard work is automatically taken from you and then shared with the lazy and the incompetent? I certainly don't. Who would work very hard under the thumb of such a system? I wouldn't, and neither would anybody else. Socialism: "The people pretend to work, and the government pretends to pay us." That is the mantra of Socialism, so nothing much gets done, and everyone descends into mass poverty.
Check out this video:


Maybe when Gen Z puts in their President. Boomers & X Gen-ers are responsible for the majority of these problems so we probably just have to wait for them to die out. 

Mother Hubbard2021-04-04T21:55:18Z

Now, the world is too big to replace.  Think society.


Do you know that food doesn't come from grocery stores? 

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