Human Services is essentially social work (it's not the same as Human Resources), and it might be considered acceptable, but you'll have to make inquiries of the graduate programs to which you want to apply, because you really need a master's degree.
Psychology would be the next best choice. NOT "forensic psychology," just straightforward psychology. An education degree would work, too, but in both cases (and in the case of HS), you'd need to earn a graduate degree in counseling.
No, it does not count. You want to be a college counselor. Social work, psychology or education for an undergrad degree.
Watch what you get a Bachelor degree in. Will you be able to get a job in a career you like IF you do not get into any graduate school.
Of your university offers a human services major, meet the the head of the department. Ask what exactly the major entails and what area of work it would qualify you for. Can you get a job without going to graduate school. Always have a Plan B set up I case, for any reason, you do not continue directly into a graduate program.
No- as we keep telling you, Human Services is mostly for people who are going to work in HR offices in companies and organizations.
Spock (rhp)
you'll have to specifically ask. expect that your courses will be inspected, so get ready to send [email] your transcript
i would ask your college about it