How do I tell my wife that I have social anxiety?

We have been married for 5 years. Since my childhood social anxiety is with me and I have been suffering for long 20 years now. I used to take medication for my anxiety disorder and I remember that was the only time I felt good in my entire life but I discontinued it after a couple of years for some reasons. Now I am in a point in life where I really need medication again to calm my nerves once again or may be the rest of my life. But I am married now and I don't want to let my wife know I have some kind of psychiatric disorder where I need medication to survive. But I cannot avoid her I cannot go for a doctor and get medicine prescribed without she knowing I know I must tell but I am afraid being a man I lose my respect it may badly affect my macho man personality (bad ego) cz the society always have a bad attitude towards mental illness especially when men suffers. But my illness severely affects our quality of life. At least for my family I need to be healthy minded but I am afraid to open up to her. How I do I gain courage to talk to her about it. Is it a bad idea telling her? I would greatly appreciate any advice here!


the same way you told us


Your imaginary wife doesn't need to know.  If she really existed, she would be already aware of it.


She is your wife, your spouse and she has a right to know about all mental or physical problems you have. Do you seriously think this is not affecting her? 
As a wife, You would loose my respect by lying to me and keeping secrets from me. 
Tell her the truth.


I'm sure she's already noticed your problem long, long ago. But why not just show her this post? It's very clear.

The First Dragon2021-04-05T16:28:28Z

If she has been married to you for 5 years, she knows already that you have a problem with anxiety.  She will respect you more for dealing with it properly than for denying it.

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