Does anyone sense any deviate attempts to deprive & oppress our voting rights is a direct MAJOR ATTACK to neutralize the minority vote!?
The REAL reason behind voter suppression is to put another man in office like Trump to keep the 'rich man' rich to keep the 'poor man' poor!? HOW DARE YOU any governors who try to make it difficult for the middle class!
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These minorities are being stripped of their constitutional rights. They are essential banned from excersining their second amendment because of the unjust requirement for identification.
Here is the first paragraph of a recent article on covid: As an undocumented construction worker living outside Miami, Miguel is constantly challenged to prove that he exists. Police hassle him for an ID he doesn’t have. Without one, he can’t open a bank account or fill a prescription. And now, it means he can’t get vaccinated against the coronavirus.
Are you stupid enough to believe that or are you just following the lemming in front of you? (watch that last step) There is no voter suppression. There are common sense rules which should be followed and it's easier to vote today with those rules than in the history of the country. And here is something else. You can get a glass of water....just not next to the voting booth so neither party has an opportunity to influence your decision right bfore you pull the curtain.