which site will you migrate to?

The Truthseeker2021-04-06T00:37:02Z

I have multiple sites I go to. This was inevitable; earlier Yahoo had to close down the comment section because of the extremist right wingers using abusive language. They them focused their attention on Yahoo Answers and it was impossible to monitor and censor them all. Yahoo is protecting itself from potential lawsuits.  Some of the comment sections are open now for users. 


I haven't used YA in years, but I am sad to see it closing. I won't be migrating anywhere because nothing will be the same.

W.T. Door2021-04-05T18:55:59Z

Probably none.  There really isn't a substitute for YA.  However, usage has declined hugely since leftist trolls with many, many sock puppet accounts took over YA.


I’ve been avoiding Twitter all my life but I might have to go there now.